Thankful Thursday: Chance & Order

Is the world on fire?

Portugal, Italy, Greece, Canada, California, Hawaii, and more. I can’t type fast enough to keep up with the latest blaze.

Some days the world is just too much. The mind has its own capacity for disaster. Against the weight, we look for an exit. We watch a mindless movie, read a romance, sneak a nap, or wander the garden to harvest goodness. The mind seeks relief.

When my head is heavy and I lack mental space to read a novel, I reach for a magazine instead. And when I need less data and more dream, I make a cut-up poem. I like the messy chance of found phrases, combined with the orderly assignment of rearrangement. In a single session, I make something of the muddle.

It’s silly and simple, and a light balm for the weary mind. As with much of my writing practice, the results matter less than the act of making.

This piece is comprised of headlines culled from a handful of magazines. Remember those relics? Yes, print still lives, though barely. I find magazines at the library — plentiful and free!

The incredible disappearing doomsday boldly grows

How to stop worrying?

Feed your muse.

Eat more pasta.

Savor summer.

Seriously. Be yourself.

Find juicy savings in

a scrappy surprise.


It's Thankful Thursday. Because attention attracts gratitude and gratitude expands joy, it's time to slice through the ugly and get to the good. Today I am thankful for magazines, libraries & cut-up poems.

What are you thankful for today?

I always enjoy hearing from you. Send light here.