Thankful Thursday: A to Z

Yesterday I shared, encouraged and invited. Today, I entertain. It's Thankful Thursday, a weekly pause to count our joys and list our thanks. I'll share my Alphabet Gratitude Poem if you'll share yours.

A to Z, an abbreviated guide of gratitudes

alcoves, afterthoughts, basil, beaches, cashmere, caramel corn, candy corn, daffodils, eagerness, fortitude, forgiveness, gladioluses, grandma's turquoise ring, hellos & how-dos, Hood River, humility, ice cream, intention, jellybeans, kindness, lavender, Lake Hattie, Mallorca, Mexico, merlot, notes, nods, nuts, ocean, olive oil, popcorn, pacifists, quiet, reading, running, sunshine, structure, surprises, tapioca, Taos, tides, underwear, understanding, understatement, violets, vineyards, value, Wyoming, wonder, words, xoxo, yes, zigzagging — across pages, miles, memory, your heart.

Your turn! Share your Alphabet Gratitude in the comment section below. Don't be shy — let's share our starts and scratches, our works-in-progress and works-at-rest. Let's exercise the writing muscle, aches and all.